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Shandong Luzhong Machine Tool Co., Ltd.

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Shandong Luzhong Machine Tol Co. id.is a lare-scale CNc machinetol manuaclurer with more than 30 years fmanufactuing experience. The compan covers an area of 10 00 square meters andhas more than 10 sets of ouistanding machining equipment and 50 sels ofprecision tesing equipment Advanced producion proceses and infomaton-based workshops provide a srong guarante forproduction.
The compan ha more than 200 emploees, includina morethan 30 senior enoineers and morethan 100 semiorsked ersonnel.which provudes soli technitalsupot a welas podurcion coersiones iothe company's product innovation upgrading and intelligent manufacturing.
The mainprodluts are: Nc werical machining cenie, CNc hoizontalmachining cenie,CNc anty machinng cenier, CNc mng machine, at bed cNc ahe, slantbed cNc late, verical cNc lahe. lahemachine. mino machine.et.The annueal rduction capacity reaches 2500 Mulinle units.coverina more than 20 aneies and more than 100 modes.The macthines are widey usadinmitan aerosoaceautomobile, power IT, engineering machinery, shipbuilding, petroleum and other industries, also have won many awards and patents
In adition to lS0. WPO,CE BV.TUy SGs, EAc caticales.wecan aso provide an oherceritcaies acordingto our eouremenis. 0urmachines hawve ben exponed to more than 150 counties andfegjons, covering NothAmeica, Europe, ouh America, the Midle East,Souheast Asia.,eit.we are commied to expandingthe qlobal mankel taking long.eam siable coperation and develomentas ourSirateoic, oal. and Drovidina customers with nrofessional overseas technical auidance and comnlete after-sales services
'Best Machine by LUZHONG", Let us work together for a win-win situation and empower the future with inteligent manufacturing!

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Member since 11 months ago
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    Contact Information

    789 Tengyang West Road, Zaozhuang, Shandong, China
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